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Salem...Surprisingly Superbly Splendid (and an incredibly goofy time!)

Salem was a blast! At the Peabody Essex Museum, we saw one of the best collections of American, Japanese, and Indian art. We further went to the Wild Designs Exhibit where we learnt more about advances in the field of biomimicry and let our inner child loose (we hope that our creations do not scar any of the children who went in there after us for life). After a sti- no- shiny situation where mysterious reflective tape appeared on many members of the group, we went to the Kimsooja exhibit where we had a great time making spheres to add to the exhibit (we also may have broken the sphere-only rule by making cones inspired by Lorae as well as a bit of HSURV repping). Hello Kitty greeted us an annoying number of times after which I was personally baffled by the ‘Indian’ art exhibit which was wack as I’ve ever seen before.

The walk to the wharf was amazing where we had our very own ‘professional rock haulers’ throwing the biggest rocks they could find into the ocean and our benevolent teacher taught us how to skip rocks. An impromptu photoshoot where everyone looked insanely awesome followed (shout-out to Winston and his umbrella’s lovely photoshoot!). A stop at a local café and an ice cream parlor for overly sugar loaded snacks and drinks was a great end to such a fun-filled day. We can’t wait to go back to Salem and explore all the other bizarre things it has to offer!

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